I have seen to many church planters end up in church planters bankruptcy. That's right it is so easy to get intoxicated by our vision and lose all sense of direction when it comes to the finances of the church plant. You can be a great and godly leader, have the best team, develop the best strategy, create the neatest image, met in the best meeting place, teach the most relevant messages, have the best worship, and still end up in the ditch if you don't pay attention to the finances.
Go ahead and have faith and place a basket at the back of your meeting place where you won't draw any attention to it. Don't ever say anything about money. You wouldn't want to offend anyone...and see what happens.
I once walked across a large gather of ministry leaders with my dad. Along the way I stopped and talked to several people. Each time I asked them to join in our mission financially. My dad stopped me on the other side and said, "Son, you have asked everybody here for something." I told my dad, 1) I haven't asked for anything for myself. It was all about the Kingdom. 2) According to Jesus you have not, because you ask not.
If you are not learning how to develop prudent financial plans, ask for resources, and develop long term Kingdom minded givers...you could be headed to church planters bankruptcy. It is a big deal, don't ignore it.
Financing the Mission is one of our Best Practices and one of the topics we will be talking about in our upcoming Best Practices Practicum. Make plans to join us on October 22-23, 2007. In addition to financing the mission you will learn and develop practical plans for maintaining vitality, being mean about the vision, rethinking team, and redefining discipleship.
For more information click here! Make plans now to come and bring your team.