Sunday was another amazing day at Mountain Lake Church. The question we asked is how do we respond to what God did over the past two weeks? I mean how do we respond to 346 people going went public with their faith? Our answer...create another splash! So we challenged those who attend MLC to invite someone to one of our seven Easter weekend services next week. For our commitment time we had them write that persons name on one of the walls in our worship auditorium. Last time I did that I got a spanking. Check out the picture of one of the walls. It was absolutely amazing to see the people come...many with tears...slapping high five as they past one of our pastors. I can't wait to see what God is going to do next week. Bottom line...People matter to God!
On the home front my wife got to talk to our son who in serving with the 82nd Airborne in Afghanistan. If you keep up with the news you realize that the spring offensive has started. This means the taliban are actively setting up ambushes on NATO and Afghan troops...they continue to reap havoc on the Afghan people. Like my son, many young men are actively patroling the dangerous borders between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Please continue to pray for our troops...david